This is an example of how you build your first basic iOS app (calculation app!) with SwiftUI. The idea is to make an app that breakdown user’s financial goal into chunks that is more achievable. Read this article if you want to know more about the project.

That being said, let’s jump into your XCode.

First thing first, open your XCode and make a new project, choose iOS Application without framework. Then, fill in your app’s name. Use the SwiftUI Interface instead of Storyboard. And obviously, use Swift as the language.

The first thing we do is import SwiftUI at the top of the file. This gives us access to all the types and functionality provided by the framework.

Next, we define a struct called ContentView that conforms to the View protocol. The View protocol defines a single requirement: a body property that returns some view content.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
  var body: some View {
    // view content goes here

Inside the ContentView struct, declare several @State properties. The @State property wrapper is used to store and manipulate state within a view. It automatically generates a setter and a getter for the property, which can be accessed and modified using standard dot syntax (e.g.,

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
	@State private var goalName = ""
	@State private var moneyAmount: Int = 0
	@State private var moneyAmountString = ""
	@State private var totalAmount: Double = 0.0
	@State private var totalAmountString = ""
	@State private var inflationRate: Double = 1.04
	@State private var targetDate = Date()
	@State private var duration: Int = 0
	@State private var allocation: Double = 1.0
	@State private var allocationString = ""
	@State private var result = ""
	@State private var aboutPage: Bool = false
	@FocusState private var fillingForm: Bool
	var body: some View {
		//your content goes here


We also declare a @FocusState property called fillingForm, which is used to track whether the form is currently being filled out.

Next, define an instance of NumberFormatter called numberFormatter to format numbers as currency. Set the numberStyle property to .currency, the currencyCode property to "IDR" for Indonesian rupiah, and the maximumFractionDigits property to 2 for displaying up to 2 decimal places. Also, set the currencyGroupingSeparator and currencyDecimalSeparator properties to specify the characters for the grouping separator and decimal separator, respectively.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
	@State private var goalName = ""
	@State private var moneyAmount: Int = 0
	@State private var moneyAmountString = ""
	@State private var totalAmount: Double = 0.0
	@State private var totalAmountString = ""
	@State private var inflationRate: Double = 1.04
	@State private var targetDate = Date()
	@State private var duration: Int = 0
	@State private var allocation: Double = 1.0
	@State private var allocationString = ""
	@State private var result = ""
	@State private var aboutPage: Bool = false
	@FocusState private var fillingForm: Bool
	private let numberFormatter: NumberFormatter
	init() {
		numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
		numberFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
		numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
		numberFormatter.currencyCode = "IDR"
		numberFormatter.currencyGroupingSeparator = "."
		numberFormatter.currencyDecimalSeparator = ","

	var body: some View {
		//your content goes here


Finally, define the body property of the ContentView struct. It returns a NavigationView, a container view providing a navigation bar and a hierarchy of views. Inside the NavigationView, place a Form view, which is another container view.

This Form contains three sections: "What your goal is", "What you should prepare", and "Info".

The goal Section view contains several views:

var body: some View {
				// Goal Details
				Section("What your goal is"){
					TextField("Goal Title", text: $goalName)
					TextField("Amount of Money", text: $moneyAmountString)
						.onChange(of: moneyAmountString) { newValue in
							let removeCharacters: Set<Character> = ["."]
							moneyAmountString.removeAll(where: {removeCharacters.contains($0)})
							let length = moneyAmountString.count
							if length > 4{
								let mySubstring = moneyAmountString.suffix(length - 4)
								moneyAmountString = String(mySubstring)
							moneyAmount = Int(moneyAmountString) ?? 0
							moneyAmountString = numberFormatter.string(from: moneyAmount as NSNumber) ?? ""
					// Completion Date
					DatePicker("Completion Target", selection: $targetDate, displayedComponents: .date)
					// Inflation Rate
					Picker("Inflation Rate", selection: $inflationRate){
						Text("4% (Standard)").tag(1.04)
					// Submit Button
									fillingForm = false